Dr. Cornelius Boersch
Dr. Cornelius Boersch has been an entrepreneur since 1991. Already during his studies of business administration at the European Business School, he founded ACG AG, a worldwide leading chipbroker.
Peter E. Braun
Peter E. Braun has 20 years of experience as a serial entrepreneur as well as in various senior and top management positions in the aerospace and automotive industries. He has successfully launched two industrial companies and two finance-related enterprises.
Dr. Claus Elfring
Head of Transaction Law at EY LAW Munich
Dr. Claus Elfring is Partner of Ernst & Young Law and head of the Corporate/M&A department in Munich, Germany.
Prof. Jerome S. Engel
Adjunct Professor Emeritus at University of California Berkeley
Professor Jerome S. Engel is an internationally recognized expert in innovation, entrepreneurship, and venture capital, lecturing and advising business as well as government leaders around the world.
Prof. Dr. Rainer Elschen
Professor for Finance and Banking at University Duisburg-Essen
Rainer Elschen is professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen and holds the chair of financial management and banking.
Dr. Alexander von Frankenberg
Dr. Alex von Frankenberg is Managing Director of High-Tech Gründerfonds focusing on hard- and software related investments. Before taking that position in October 2005, he was responsible for spin-offs as Venture Manager at Siemens Technology Accelerator (STA).
Jürgen Habichler
Managing Partner and Founder of Jadeberg Partners
Jürgen Habichler has been a company founder, entrepreneur and Business Angel for over 12 years. In 1995 he initiated the Ooe Datenhighway Entwicklungs GmbH as one of the first alternative telecommunication and internet service providers in Austria.
Philipp Hartmann
Philipp studied business administration at the European Business School (EBS) in Oestrich-Winkel, the University of Sydney, and the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE).
Tobias Hartung
Partner at EY Transaction Advisory Services in Munich
Tobias Hartung is Partner at Ernst &Young Transaction Advisory Services in Munich. He joined the firm in 1997 and started his career in the Assurance service line.
Andreas Huettner
Google Brasil
Andreas Huettner is Austrian and studied Material Physics at the University of Leoben / Austria. His first visit to Brazil was in 1993, when he was invited to participate in the Ph.D. Program at Private University Fundacao Getulio Vargas in Sao Paulo, FGV-SP.
Roland Koch
Former Minister-President of Hessia and former CEO of Bilfinger Berger
Roland Koch is lawyer, politician and manager. He studied law at Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main and specialized in commercial and competition law.
Morten Lund
Serial- Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist
Mr. Lund calls himself an Archangel Investor, a start up ideologist visionary. He is a Danish serial entrepreneur and has founded or co-invested in more than 40 high-tech startups.
Christophe Maire
Partner at Atlantic Internet
Christophe Maire is an entrepreneur focusing on consumer product innovation in digital media and mobile internet. Christophe founded and is currently CEO of txtr.com, the largest eBooks distribution network in Europe with shops launching in 20 countries.
Dr. Sandro Merino
Chief Investment Officer at Basler Kantonalbank
Sandro Merino is Head UBS Wealth Management Research Europe. After his degree in theoretical physics and a PhD in mathematics from the University of Zurich in 1994, Sandro was an European Union Research Fellow in Edinburgh and in Glasgow from 1994 to 1997.
Stefan Pfannmöller
CEO and Founder of Netzathleten & Venture Stars
Stefan Pfannmöller (CEO Venture Stars) is a former competitive athlete (olympia winner canoe slalom) und founder of the Vertical Content Network netzathleten media in Munich.
Dr. Peter Scholl-Latour
German-French Journalist and Publicist († 16. August 2014)
Dr. Scholl-Latour read Arabic Studies at the Universities of Mainz, Paris and Beirut, before embarking on his career in journalism firstly as the ARD correspondent in Africa and Paris before working as programme director for WDR.
Dr. Ulrich Schumacher
CEO of Zumtobel Lighting and former CEO of Infineon
Dr. Ulrich Schumacher studied electrical engineering at the RWTH Aachen, where he was subsequently awarded a PhD. Later, he completed a business administration graduate.
Prof. Dr. Dres. h. c. Hermann Simon
CEO and Founder of Simon-Kucher & Partners
Hermann Simon is chairman of Simon-Kucher & Partners Strategy & Marketing Consultants with 23 offices all over the world. Simon is an expert in strategy, marketing and pricing.
Dr. Enrique Steiger
Cosmetic Surgeon
Dr. med. Enrique Steiger is specialist for general, aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery as well as trauma surgery. Enrique is Swiss national and graduated from University Zurich.
Stefan Tirtey
Managing Director at CommerzVentures and Investor
Stefan invests in mobile and internet companies across Europe. His current investments include Soundcloud, where Doughty Hanson led the Series A financing in 2009, and Ubidyne.
Dr. Christoph Weber
CEO and Founder of JATRO BioJet Fuel
Dr. Christoph Weber, LL.M., is founder and CEO of Jatro AG (Frankfurt/M.), Jatro Biomatrix SARL (Luxembourg), Jatro Singapore Pte Ltd. and PT JATRO Waterland (Indonesia).
Christian Weiß
CEO & Founder of Project A Ventures
As Founder and Managing Director of Project A Ventures, Christian Weiß is responsible for Human Ressources, IT and Venture Coaching. Before co-founding Project A, Christian started Rocket Internet for the Samwer brothers and lead the Rocket operations as a founding Managing Director both in Berlin (global Headquarters) and in Sao Paulo (Latin America).
Daniel Wild
CEO of Ecommerce Alliance
Daniel Wild (40) is a serial entrepreneur and business angel who has seed financed more than 80 companies. Currently he is the CEO of Ecommerce Alliance AG, an ecommerce aggregator listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.